Unsponsored Nighttime Skin care Routine

Hey Guys! Welcome back, tonight I have for you a highly requested video, my nighttime skin routine. Continue reading

Meal Prepping Made Easy!

Guys! Welcome back to this week’s video, where we are talking Meal Prepping! If there’s 1 thing I’ve learned in this time of crisis it’s that my family eats a shit ton of food! And if your anything like me, … Continue reading

Instagram Quarantine Haul

Ever fall prey to those beautiful Instagram boutiques? Yea, me either, until now. Check out my awesome quarantine haul from a 2am wine and anxiety fueled internet shopping spree. It’s solid.

Quarantine Shopping Addictions Exposed

Do you find yourself falling prey to Instagram Boutiques? Swiping ‘Buy Now’ on Amazon multiple times a day? Categorizing “Lounge Wear” as acceptable business attire? You, my friend may have a Quarantine Shopping Addiction. This is one woman’s story, but … Continue reading

Zoom Meetings be like…

Zoom is the new go-to meeting software that may or may not be the answer to your new work from home lifestyle. Watch this team utilize this amazing tool!

5 Tips for Quarantine Homeschooling

How to Homeschool in Quarantine! Check out todays video guys, where I break down homeschooling in quarantine and the truth about distance learning. Best of luck to us all. Feeling blessed for sure. Stay Safe!

Third Trimester Recap

My third trimester has been an actual delight. Someone legit asked me if I was having twins. It was an old lady so she gets a pass, but only because how do you talk smack about old ladies who genuinely … Continue reading

Second Trimester Recap

Kinda deep into the third trimester and FINALLY getting around to reporting on all the joys of the second trimester. Because you are all just dying to hear about all the beautiful and glamourous joys of gas and heartburn, right? … Continue reading