Second Trimester Recap

Kinda deep into the third trimester and FINALLY getting around to reporting on all the joys of the second trimester. Because you are all just dying to hear about all the beautiful and glamourous joys of gas and heartburn, right? Let’s do this!

TMI warning in advance!


  • Holy Nipple pain continues, it’s like my boobs are being electrocuted. I also had leaky nipples like twice. Not sure I have ever felt sexier, Chris is one lucky man. 
  • Fatigue, like coma grade fatigue. I set my alarm for 15 minutes in the parking lot of the kids school while I was waiting to pick them up and when it went off I was so, so deep in sleep, I had no idea where I was or what day it was.
  • Vivid Dreams; mostly disturbing, sometimes very random but I wake up and can remember so many details its bizarre. Wish they were fun dreams like lottery numbers or something useful like how to cook…
  • Headaches, Nausea & Vomiting, we’ve ditched these fun symptoms for low pelvic pressure and the always exciting lighting crotch. That’s when baby kicks or punches you in the cervix and feels like your being stabbed randomly out of nowhere and you may or may not yelp out (loudly) in pain causing everyone to think you are insane or going into labor.
  • Sleeping; seriously, what is sleep? I won’t be getting any of that for like, the rest of my life so why drone on about it, right?
  • Bleeding; no more bleeding thankfully. That’s always terrifying.
  • Heartburn; I was eating zantac like it was its own essential food group and turns out it just got recalled for causing cancer. THAT’S NOT STRESSFUL AT ALL. I got a new prescription of something that starts with a P that just takes the edge off for the most part, but anything is better than nothing I guess.   
  • Restless Leg; I’m not even sure how to describe this one, some nights I want to jump off a bridge. It’s the most bizarre and uncontrollable feeling that literally drives you insane.
  • I got the Pregnancy Line! More commonly known as Linea Nigra, I never had it with the girls which is so weird. It makes sense though because I also got a dark spot on my cheek and on my boob, which I also never had with the girls so my hormones must be different this time.


Food Aversions; not many real aversions other than anything chicken. Chicken is the devil to this baby for some reason.

Cravings; Sushi (the cooked options guys, don’t freak out) All the Boston rolls and seaweed salad.

Still enjoying fruit, makes me sound healthy doesn’t it?


Minimal weight gain this time, 12 lbs. Which is so crazy because at my last sonogram I was measuring 2 weeks ahead which means I’m HUGE. Someone actually legit asked me if I was having twins. It was an old lady so she gets a pass, but seriously?  

I got some second hand maternity clothes which ended up being a bust, however I got 2 pair of maternity leggings which I’ve been living in. I did buy 3 tank tops from Walmart and they have been on heavy rotation.  


  • Phone Apps
    • Baby Center
  • Pregnancy Journal
    • I got an absolutely stunning pregnancy journal off Etsy from Ally @ AMK Designs, it has week by week tracking pages which is ideal for remembering, because, well you know pregnancy brain – and its spiral bound so it’s so much easier to write and take with me than those typical thick baby books. I love it so much, its neutral and just a true ‘must have’ for anyone who loves tracking and journaling. I will link her shop in the description below, she has a ton of other types of journals too, you guys need to check her shop out.
  • Water Bottle
  • Pregnancy Pillow (pillow pet)
    • Magnesium – supposed to help with the restless leg so I am taking that nightly
    • Bra extenders – little hooks that let your bra get bigger
    • Maternity Belt – I bought this and wasn’t impressed so I returned it. It didn’t help me, maybe I did it wrong? IDK


  • Ugh, ok, so many tests when you have a baby over 35. I had a growth sonogram late October and was measuring 2 weeks ahead so they scheduled another growth sono for mid November, where he was also measuring large and in charge. At the first sono baby presented breech so the drs wanted me to start encouraging him to flip by looking up a website called spinning babies.
  • Looked up spinning babies and it said to basically do handstands off the couch for 30 seconds once a day – I was skeptical but after 4 days it worked and I felt him flip! That’s when the unbearable heartburn turned into moderate heartburn and southern pain and pressure started. Good times to be had by all.
  • Glucose – Failed the 1 hour and had to take the 3 hour but luckily passed that with flying colors so very happy about those results!  


I was thrown a sprinkle and it was so amazing. I got practically everything I could possibly need for the first few months so I am so grateful. I haven’t bought baby anything yet since we will be traveling coast to coast I am trying to be very, very minimal this time! So far it’s working!!!

Thanks for following along guys! I can’t wait to catch up with everyone on all the exciting things happening lately!!