Quarantine Shopping Addictions Exposed

Do you find yourself falling prey to Instagram Boutiques? Swiping ‘Buy Now’ on Amazon multiple times a day? Categorizing “Lounge Wear” as acceptable business attire? You, my friend may have a Quarantine Shopping Addiction. This is one woman’s story, but … Continue reading

Zoom Meetings be like…

Zoom is the new go-to meeting software that may or may not be the answer to your new work from home lifestyle. Watch this team utilize this amazing tool! Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

5 Tips for Quarantine Homeschooling

How to Homeschool in Quarantine! Check out todays video guys, where I break down homeschooling in quarantine and the truth about distance learning. Best of luck to us all. Feeling blessed for sure. Stay Safe! Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin