real men series 1

real men carry the groceries in for their ladies. all at one time. every single bag. one trip. boom. then they ruin it by saying something stupid like “make me dinner woman“. but mine doesn’t do that because for 1, he knows all I bought was junk food anyway and for 2, I don’t know how to cook so anything I made would likely make him vomit, or at least feel very ill. lucky guy.


passive aggressive

passive aggressive shit via my kids

  1. W yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” when she’s pissed. Pretty sure thats a big F. U.
  2. O draws crying stick figures and hearts breaking when she gets in trouble and tapes them all over the house
    hearts breaking.jpg
  3. W freezes people who get on her bad side with her “stuper powers” a la evil Elsa
  4. O regularly threatens that I will have to snuggle with the cat if I make her go to bed too early.
    IMG_9993 she looks snuggley, right?
  5. They literally pick their toys UP OFF THE FLOOR when I tell them to clean upIMG_9992
  6. W goes through the house shutting and locking all the effing bedroom doors. She knows I hate going up and down the stairs, I am not athletic – it winds me.
  7. O throws anything she breaks in the trash can so she doesn’t get busted – no matter who’s stuff it is.
  8. W will poop on the floor if we don’t turn on the bathroom light for her, every time.

For real though. Thats a total knife. I found this picture and the story behind it is right there however I don’t read squiggle line so I don’t know what it says. I’m going to assume this is the result of something C did to make O angry – the fact that it’s in red and furiously squiggly I bet its a horror story. I’ll confirm and follow up. This is juicy – yet terrifying at the same time… to be continued

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wax on

So you know how after you get your eyebrows waxed they usually pluck a little leftover hairs out? And then sometimes the person tries to pull a fast one and starts plucking your mustache? — oh thats never happened to you? Oh, yea of course not. Me either. Totally not me, I was just like what if that happened, like what would you do? Ya know? Ha… cuz it would suck so bad… for you if that happened… which it didn’t happen… to me, I mean. Oh my damn.

storm prep

We get snow out here where we live, a lot. It’s no big deal, we are used to it. Plus C plows so I am used to riding the storm out solo. Yes it’s lame and boring but now that I have kids (and cable) I have entertainment.

This year though we haven’t had any snow. No white winter, not even real cold until this week. Now we are supposed to have a blowout. Like mother nature has been constipated all winter and instead of her regular small to medium snowstorms she drank a cup of my “smooth-move tea”, which by the way is anything but smooth, and we are all in for a massive system evacuation.

C went full throttle too on the precautionary measures, he got a generator, a kerosine heater AND left me a machine to attempt plowing our driveway. It almost begs the question – ummmmm, what about all the previous years??? He must realize that if something happens to me, he will have two children to take care of so he’s terrified. It makes sense.

Sooooo C gave me the run down on all the man-chores I would be required to perform. I call them man chores because most ladies men do these chores, because their outdoorsey and dangerous and most women tend to the kids and are usually barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, cooking their men dinner like a real woman should. Hahahah thats’s a total joke we all know I don’t cook. Anyway, it was pretty a very disturbing evening for me and my nerves.

C gave thorough and specific directions which my brain translated as follows;

  • do not touch the hot end of the power cord after you plug it into the running generator – or you will get electrocuted and YOU WILL DIE.
  • do not forget to open the garage after you start the generator – or everyone WILL DIE.
  • do not forget to turn on the generator if the power goes out – or everyone will freeze AND DIE. And the pipes in the house will burst, but you will be DEAD either way, whichever happens first.
  • when the power goes out first turn off all the breakers in the house before tuning on the generator – or it will catch on fire, blow up, explode, I can’t remember what happens but it would be very very bad, IMMINENT DEATH.
  • when the power comes back on first turn off the generator then turn the breakers back on or it will… see above, IMMINENT DEATH.
  • directions for the kerosine heater and the skid loader were very much the same.

The good news is we are in Day 1 of snowmagedon 2016 and we have had no casualties. Spirits are up and we are hanging on to hope. (hope of C coming home and doing all this BS work so I don’t have to) I will keep you all posted.




Daddy was on daycare duty while O was at an audition a few weeks ago. He text me this adorable picture of W enjoying her new favorite place sweet frog frozen yogurt.


awww cute.

Then he text me back and says “notice anything?


Oh god, new baby earrings!!! So adorable!! C has to do that stuff because I can’t watch. He said her eyes got all big and when they walked away she looked him square in the eye and said “They HURT me”. Sooooo sad 🙁

I was really unsure if she would keep them in or mess with them because she didn’t really ask for them like O did. But She loved them! She kept showing everybody “Look at my earrings.” She was so proud and she even twists them herself.

Sh*t that freaks me out

in no particular order;

  1. turning the light out then running up the basement steps 
  2. the ocean
  3. dead bodies – of any kind 
  4. larva 
  5. parasites
  6. having my ankles slit from someone hiding under my car or bed
  7. closed shower curtains 
  8. bathroom mirrors at midnight 
  9. tailgaters – not the party kind
  10. old men 
  11. boogers
  12. thinking about people hiding in the trunk of my car, while I’m driving, at night
  13. ghosts
  14. bears
  15. gangsta’s
  16. Baltimore City, specifically where I work 
  17. people choking 
  18. heights
  19. vans with no windows 
  20. men in groups
  21. parking garages
  22. feces
  23. mass transportation 
  24. having an arm or leg hang off the bed when I’m sleeping 
  25. motels
  26. masks
  27. Miley Cyrus