

Way back in October we had the official screening and launch party for Redmonton. It was so awesome.

C and I had a MAJOR addiction to Entourage, watching episodes (or three) a night. It gave such insight to the upper crust of the industry, I assume it was accurate. Isn’t all tv accurate? And everything on the internet for that matter? Except we all know Web MD is fraudulent, meant to terrorize, but I digress. It doesn’t really even matter if Entourage was accurate because it was super entertaining. Ari and his wife are so so so hilarious, he totally reminded me of C minus the belligerent mouth. Really the whole cast grew on me. I even felt bad for Drama.

Anyways I wasn’t sure what to expect for the screening – I knew there was going to be a Q&A and we were going to watch the first two episodes. I was so nervous! You don’t get to see playback usually when your filming because everyone is so rushed to get done what has to be done. Plus we were always burning the midnight oil which put me wayyyy out of my element, often driving home 1,2 one time 4:00 in the morning on a Friday or Saturday night. It was an amazing experience to spend that much time in front of the camera.

The screening was awesome. It was so Entourage. There was a red carpet and even one of those legit looking back drops and photographers. The irony was my friend R (you know who you are) had just told me we should make a bunch of our own backdrops and just take pictures of ourselves all dolled up like we get around. Not like “get around” in the normal dirty highschool girl slang, but “get around” like party. Like Industry. Ha. Too bad I’m a total not partier and typically hit the hay around 9:30 on a late night. So lame. So the unparty.


Redmonton has released approximately an episode every other week. The show has a website, youtube and vimeo channel. I force C to watch the episodes in the family room on the big TV like we’re really watching a movie. He humors me of course.


Hi Mom I’m on TV! Hehehehe. I couldn’t stop myself.

Here’s a clip below, I liked this clip it has all the girls in the cast in this scene.


take 3, talent that is

After the YMCA commercial I went a little cray and started submitting O to all these prestigious talent agencies. And by prestigious I mean legit. God knows I have been duped by enough acting/modeling hotel, pay money to get a gig, stupid – stupid scams in one lifetime. So I did some digging around the web and decided I would submit to 5 agencies. I got an email back from two saying they were full of O’s look/age/ whatever, but I actually got a phone call from one who was interested.

While I’m all shitting my pants over it, C is so logical and realistic about it. We agree to schedule the appointment and go see what the deal is. SO we plan a little family NY day trip – awesome!


Actually it was a disaster. Tickets were so expensive because I waited till last second to buy them, we left in like the middle of the night because I thought we could just sleep on the way up there, ugh no. O was too excited and the train was a fiery hot shuttle though hell. I swear it was nine million degrees in this thing, I stripped down to almost my birthday suit. It was bad.


We got there and it was worse. I don’t plan things, lesson learned. It was sub zero temperatures – truthfully I don’t even know what that means but it was freaking cold regardless, too cold for O. So we found a McDonald’s – finally figured out seating was upstairs… har har, where else would it be? Then got a game plan. We booked a hotel room so we had a place to hang in between appointments. Once we got the game plan things started to calm down.

We jumped in a taxi, how NYish, and took O to FAO to check it out. Then we went to my set and I filmed a little job, go me! I met up with C and O back at the hotel and we walked over to O’s audition. IMG_7376IMG_7375

I was skeptical of this place because it advertises as a “boutique agency.” I don’t really know what that means but I did a little bit of stalker activity online and touched base with complete strangers on Linkedin who are represented by them and they gave great reviews. Plus, a woman I used to work with has a friend who goes to her church who had to quit her job because her daughter excelled in modeling and they take the bus to NY all the time for auditions. True story. She fwd me the text from her church friend ironically Take 3 was listed in her top 3 recommendations. So I was getting super excited.


O had to memorize a small Skippy Peanut butter commercial and freaking nailed it. PLUS, since all we have been talking about is Skippy in our house for like the last week O actually started eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!! Um, HELLO BONUS!

So anyway O like nails her audition and is just her absolute adorable perfect self as always, ( except for the times she’s having earth shattering emotional breakdowns but we all have those)

We all rolled out, hoping to hear from Take 3 in a week or so.