Meal Prepping Made Easy!

Guys! Welcome back to this week’s video, where we are talking Meal Prepping!

If there’s 1 thing I’ve learned in this time of crisis it’s that my family eats a shit ton of food! And if your anything like me, which you’re not because we are all individual unique, so if your similar to me, but still unique in your own way – then you too can benefit from meal prepping all your families meals!

I hope you’re as excited as I am, let’s jump right in.

So, first things first and that is you are absolutely 100% going to want to go on amazon right now and buy these adorable little meal prep boxes, so you can take Instagram worthy photos and show all your friends that your meal prepping on social media so they all feel like you’re a total boss and have your shit together even if you are falling apart inside and constantly assaulting your liver with bottles of wine.

Let’s continue! – and this is going to be such a money saving hack – use what you already have in your pantry! Just do a little inventory of what you already got and throw together a quick easy meal, like wham bam – who doesn’t love cabernet-braised short ribs for dinner and like honestly, who doesn’t have parsley, short ribs and wine just lying around?

I also made a super simplistic excel program that shows the expiration dates and quantities on hand of everything edible in the house, and when linked to this super simple software I developed that searches the web for recipes – it will aggregate my food supply and reconcile it with online recipes, then tell me exactly what I should make for the week! ITS SO EASY A BABY COULD DO IT.

Last thing is doing all the cooking. I like to dedicate 1 single day in the week to do all the weeks cooking that way it’s all out of the way and I don’t have to think about it anymore.

Look, I’m going to let you in on a little secret also, sometimes I don’t feel like the headache of updating my inventory so if my computer system mistakenly thinks I am supposed to have thyme or something, I just send the kids out in the woods to forage something up that looks similar and we make do.

Alright guys, I hope this video helps you in some way and keep posting those meal prep images so you can make everyone feel inadequate for eating junk all day long during this time of crisis!

Meal Prep Kits