
I love stories about the funny shit kids do.

Yesterday one of my co-workers was showing me a video of his grandkids singing him happy birthday. Three pretty girls cute as buttons singing away, I don’t recall exact ages but an infant, a four year old and maybe it was a seven year old. Anyway they sing happy birthday and the four year old leans over to the baby and just blows in her face! Of course I busted out laughing and said “what did she do that for??” and my co-worker responds with “oh, she’s breath feeding her”. Apparently she blows in the babies face and thinks she is breast feeding! I love it!. That poor baby is probably like WTF?!

Funny thing is, this story jogged my ever foggy brain and I recalled a similar situation. I searched my computer and found the video I had of O just a couple months over two and her interpretation of me pumping.


I don’t want to post the video because, well let’s face it – she will probably be super-mega famous one day and I don’t want her to hate me for the paparazzi getting a hold of a video of her in the bath as a toddler with her business all showing. So here is a harmless pic of her “pumping”.

What the H E double hockey sticks, right? Probably better that I didn’t post the video because I’m all snorting and laughing like “What are you doing?” and she’s all cool like, “duhhhh mommy – I’m pumping with my bungee.”

HAH. Kids.

terrible twos

W is so cool. Not gonna lie, she’s a little bit too much edgy right now (sweet Miss USA quote btw!). She’s got teeth busting through every which way and a diaper rash that just won’t quit. Between a lactose intolerance and creeping up on the terrible two’s she’s basically a ticking time bomb. I’m like scared of her. Not scared of her, so much as scared to leave the house with her.


She is the wild one; no patience, table dancing, talking back, all the normal terrible two aspects. Here is her and the dog sitting on the kitchen table watching TV. Because that’s normal.



Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeeeee.

Santa brought me an automatic wine opener this year and it’s oh-so-handy.

I like how it cuts the wrapper off. I didn’t so much struggle with the cork as I did that stupid seal.

C figured it out quick because he’s just like that. My wine bottle spun around in circles until I figured out I had to hold it in one hand and the opener in the other hand. So technically the picture below of me holding it with one hand is false. Def a two hand job, but I needed to snap a picture and I only have two hands so something had to give.

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and presto. It’s more fun that a manual wine opener. and lights up too. fancy! 
