Amber Unraveled

New Year. New Me. Resolutions Game.

Hey frans, I’m baaaaack. (read that in a crazy voice and its almost funny) 2017 I was a bit scarce but 2018 is the year of working hard, I can see it now. Time for the resolutions list. Fashionably late as always! Maybe I should work on that this year too…


Here goes;


  1. I’m going extreme minimalist in 2018. I’m going to throw all things away that don’t bring me joy. Bye Legos, I freaking hate Legos. They absolutely bring me NO JOY. Also, bras. Good Bye Bras and Legos in 2018. This will make me a happier person. I am happier now just thinking about this new bra and Lego free home I will have.
  2. I am going to lose 10 lbs. LOL. This is a staple on everyone’s list, right?
  3. I am going to stop writing “LOL” allll the time. Starting now -> go.
  4. I am going to stop pretending I don’t hear Wave when she yells “I need a butt wiper” so Chris is forced to get up and go wipe her butt. (reflecting on this a bit more we should probably work on having her just learn to do a better job of cleaning her own butt…)
  5. I am going to try to stop laughing when Oakley gets minor physical injuries. This is going to be so hard. SO HARD. Example; she tripped over a pillow and swan dove into the Christmas tree. Went right on in there head first. This is going to be the toughie, I can feel it. Girl is a klutz. Like hard core, never seen anything like it. My poor child.
  6. I am going to buy (and wear) a pair of sensible work slacks. It’s just not fair the stress I have been putting on the current sizes I continue to squeeze into.
  7. I am going to start letting Apple regularly update my phone. It still doesn’t feel right, but it’s a new day and I’m going with it.
  8. I am going to read more regularly, specifically urban dictionary so I can keep my vocab on fleek. Did you know “Snatched” is officially the new “fleek” for 2018? Gotta keep my vocab snatched.
  9. I’m going to start washing off my makeup at night. Specifically, so my skin can look snatched. Hmm. Give it time, I promise popsugar says it’s the newest thing.
  10. I’m going to buy myself new underwear this year. It’s time, that’s all I am going to say on that.
  11. I’m going to stop brining in pictures of swimsuit models to my hair stylist and saying, “I want that, all of that”. It’s not fair for either of us.
  12. I am going to implement a really cunning idea I thought of to stop my kids from fighting this year. It is SO cunning that it will stop them right in their tracks. When they were very small and would cry in the car I discovered if I rolled down the window they would stop crying. It was genius. I just drove everywhere rolling up and down my windows and found peace. Now, I will implement the same genius to stop their fighting. My plan is to squirt them with a water gun from an undisclosed location every time they start fighting. Just 1 single squirt when they start. They will go crazy! I like it. I haven’t been this excited for them to fight EVER.
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