Amber Unraveled

Ten Dos and Don’ts of Taking Your Toddler to a Restaurant

Coming in hot with some tips and tricks for taking your toddler to a restaurant. As a mother of three, I know a thing or two about the joys and challenges of dining out with little ones. So let’s dive in!


  1. Unless your up for a challenge choose your time wisely: You don’t want to take your toddler to a restaurant during the peak hours of lunch, dinner or nap. Instead, opt for a mid-afternoon or early evening, pretend your 80 and have to be in bed by 8. And don’t forget to make a reservation for the love of god you don’t want to burn all your toddlers patience in the foyer waiting to be seated!
  2. Bring entertainment: The key to keeping your toddler happy and occupied is to bring along some distractions. Whether it’s a coloring book, some small table toys, or an iPad loaded with their favorite shows (downloaded too in case there are wifi issues), be prepared to keep your little one entertained. We are not opposed to screen time in this house.
  3. Order wisely: Stick with familiar foods that your toddler is used to eating. Take a page out of my kids’ playbook, they beg to eat dinner out at all our local restaurant options and then proceed to order plain buttered noodles, because a single serving of $10 buttered noodles at Chili’s is so much better than the $1 box of noodles I can make in the comfort of our own home, in my pajamas. And don’t forget to order some fries – they’re a universal toddler (and frankly an adult) favorite.
  4. Be prepared for spills: Let’s face it, spills are bound to happen. Be sure to bring along some wipes and maybe even a change of clothes, a paint smock, a trash bag – just in case.
  5. Be respectful: Remember, you’re not the only diner in the restaurant, unless you are but even then… Be respectful of others by keeping your toddler’s volume in check and cleaning up after them.


  1. Let your toddler run wild: Sure, it’s tempting to let your little one explore their new surroundings. But trust me, you don’t want your toddler running around the restaurant like a wild animal and once that can of worms has been unleashed its hard to undo the damage next time you dine out.
  2. Ignore the mess: I get it, parenting is messy. But don’t be that person who leaves a huge mess for the restaurant staff to clean up. Do your part by cleaning up after your little one.
  3. Give up: Look, dining out with a toddler is never going to be perfect. But don’t give up! Keep trying, keep learning, and keep laughing. Because at the end of the day, you’re making memories with your little one that you’ll cherish forever and who doesn’t love bottomless salad and breadsticks?

There you have it, folks. The dos and don’ts for taking your toddler to a restaurant. With a little preparation and a lot of patience, you can enjoy a nice meal out with your family. And if all else fails, just remember my personal motto: “If you can’t beat ’em, order a pizza.”

That’s not really my motto but it felt right at the time.

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