Nothing serious. Just that nagging feeling that starts building up one iota at a time… sat in traffic for two hours, binged on multiple bags of chips, haven’t worked out, haven’t lost any weight (duh, chips much…) haven’t gotten any call-backs, am dead zombie tired, all is lost, where is my life going, what is the meaning of existence… you know that kind of gloom. It’s even a gloomy day. And once you start feeling sorry for yourself every red light you catch, every stubbed toe, every damn overcooked meal feels like 100 additional pounds weighing down on your shoulders. Until you crack. Bring forth the waterworks. Heavy stuff, shoulder shaking, air gasping – reaching to the sky and screaming out kind. Think like the movies. But it’s so true, and once you start sobbing like a little baby it almost feels good. So you start thinking of all the awful horrible things that have happened to you and make yourself cry even harder. My personal favorite is to cry in the car, I like to turn on a miserable song – something by Sarah McLachlan and just reminisce about every bad thing that ever happened in my life. My BFF says she like to do it in the shower, just lean up against the wall and let the hot water beat you down in defeat and sob your little heart out. Ahhhh. I need that soon. I actually feel better already just talking about it.
Tag Archives: grumpy gills
3 year old talk
they hear everything There is something to be said for hearing or seeing yourself through the actions and voice of your child. That certainly sounds sentimental and deep but that’s definitely not where I was going with this. I was … Continue reading