Covid has us on lockdown so I did what any horrible cook and mediocre parent would do and I bought a small chicken (pretended like it was a turkey) and made the girls cook it with me, likely scarring them for life. Happy Turkey Day!
Tag Archives: cooking
Sandbox Social Episode 2
cake bites
brownie time
I love baking! Said me, never… oh, wait great idea!!!!
5 hours later.
So that statement reminded me of those Most Interesting Man in the World memes – and I thought to myself “ohhhhh, you should make one about Baking!”
Like, “I don’t always Bake — But when I do I make a huge fucking mess to remind myself not to do it again anytime soon.”
Stupid, I know, seriously, I KNOW. But what’s worse is the amount of time I just lost of my life reading other peoples hysterical memes. Ugh so funny! How? They are the same over and over and over — and yet STILL FUNNY. Every time.
Ok, so I got some new toys at home I’ve been playing with and decided to make a home movie of the girls baking. It’s long and boring and resulted in me learning (after the fact) that I should not be distributing my baking to any one else, ever due to the unsanitary practices of my children. But the good news is I am learning how to use my software editing program and my various cameras.
so anyway here goes.
▶FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE for more stupid videos, hopefully they’ll get better – but no promises.
Amber Unraveled YouTube Channel
Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeeeee.
Santa brought me an automatic wine opener this year and it’s oh-so-handy.
I like how it cuts the wrapper off. I didn’t so much struggle with the cork as I did that stupid seal.
C figured it out quick because he’s just like that. My wine bottle spun around in circles until I figured out I had to hold it in one hand and the opener in the other hand. So technically the picture below of me holding it with one hand is false. Def a two hand job, but I needed to snap a picture and I only have two hands so something had to give.
and presto. It’s more fun that a manual wine opener. and lights up too. fancy!