
I just got in trouble. Luckily no harm, no foul.

Sometimes though, I just can’t help myself. When I see certain things, like figure 1. below, I just have to capture the moment. Then, whenever I am feeling blue, or want to blackmail C, I just open up the folder on my computer that says “C” and speculate how someone can be so freaking crazy.

IMG_3491  Figure 1.

That’s a dog toy on the floor. I realize that it could potentially look like some X rated paraphernalia but I swear it’s not.

Anyway, on to the story. C installed surveillance cameras at his place of business for security purposes. It was new and exciting and we would watch them at night from our ipad at home. That got old fast though because it was pretty boring – I mean it was nighttime so it was dark and nobody was robbing the place. So C called me while at work and said “check the cameras, do they even work?” SOOOO.

Maybe you know where I am going with this? Maybe not…

I pop open the app and sure enough screens start uploading and there is a naked man walking around C’s workshop. I won’t say the name of this man but he was recognizable. Then I see it, the “camera” option on the screen and snap a pic. C starts asking if I see anything, and I say “Nope, cameras aren’t working

Naked man continues to wander, doing some high leg stretches and some interesting gymnastics type moves. I keep snapping pictures with absolutely no clue where these photos are going…

Until today. When the naked mans mother used the ipad to take photos of a customers lawn. Oooopsy!

The funny part is she doesn’t know who naked man is either. There are a few potential candidates in the family circle of possibilities and all suspects are equally plausibly guilty for such behavior – even at said location no less.