Amber Unraveled

Second Trimester Recap

Kinda deep into the third trimester and FINALLY getting around to reporting on all the joys of the second trimester. Because you are all just dying to hear about all the beautiful and glamourous joys of gas and heartburn, right? Let’s do this!

TMI warning in advance!



Food Aversions; not many real aversions other than anything chicken. Chicken is the devil to this baby for some reason.

Cravings; Sushi (the cooked options guys, don’t freak out) All the Boston rolls and seaweed salad.

Still enjoying fruit, makes me sound healthy doesn’t it?


Minimal weight gain this time, 12 lbs. Which is so crazy because at my last sonogram I was measuring 2 weeks ahead which means I’m HUGE. Someone actually legit asked me if I was having twins. It was an old lady so she gets a pass, but seriously?  

I got some second hand maternity clothes which ended up being a bust, however I got 2 pair of maternity leggings which I’ve been living in. I did buy 3 tank tops from Walmart and they have been on heavy rotation.  




I was thrown a sprinkle and it was so amazing. I got practically everything I could possibly need for the first few months so I am so grateful. I haven’t bought baby anything yet since we will be traveling coast to coast I am trying to be very, very minimal this time! So far it’s working!!!

Thanks for following along guys! I can’t wait to catch up with everyone on all the exciting things happening lately!!

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