Agents and managers are people, believe it or not, they want your child to succeed in this business. But remember the bottom line, it’s a business so they also want to make money. This interview is a chance for them … Continue reading
Agents and managers are people, believe it or not, they want your child to succeed in this business. But remember the bottom line, it’s a business so they also want to make money. This interview is a chance for them … Continue reading
Once you figure out that your kid was born for the silver screen, and your pretty certain you have the next Dakota Fanning on your hands, you will need to go through the rigorous and stressful process of finding, meeting and evaluating representation. Continue reading
Oakley’s latest commercial. Totally relatable! …gotta love that sink.
When sick hits the fan, your needs come last. But a mom can dream, right? #AMomCanDream Continue reading
When do you know if your kid is ready for the next step (representation)? Continue reading
Here’s what I know about the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) child acting market. Continue reading
My kids have been chanting a lot lately and its bugging me out. I try not to worry too much whether my kids are weird or normal or whatever because, let’s face it – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and the forest in this case has a lot of… let’s say character. I don’t know if that made any sense at all, that metaphor just got a bit off track I think. Anyway so back to the point, I literally caught the girls on tape this morning having a chant-fest, I was eating breakfast when I heard these tiny rhythmic voices saying “circle him“, wondering what the H E double hockey sticks kind of demonic game they were playing that would require them to chant “circle him, circle him” I grabbed my cell phone like any sane millennial mom and started rolling the video…
Apparently Captain America was running around pony village like he owned the place reeking havoc and such. So the ponies were all like, ugh no way Captain America your butt is going to jail. Commence ponies circling their intruder like a pack of hungry wolves. I know. It’s not an ordinary game but the certainly get points for originality and I am certainly going to screen My Little Pony episodes a bit more often.
real men have large ears which double as handles for their young, very similar to kangaroo pouches for joey’s or giant monkey nipples for tiny baby monkeys to cling to.
someone seriously didn’t think this through, or maybe they did and the joke’s on us?
real men endure torture of all degrees.
real men actively participate in child rearing, for example taking their young childrens to gymnastics. I know what your thinking but it still counts even if the leotard is installed backwards and the poor child has a perma wedgie all class.