O and W’s cousin, Jordan does their makeup and it’s adorable, and scary at the same time.
Oakley & I for #Kroger getting our summa party on. Super cute and delicious #ediblemedals, were a kid approved favorite #onset. Gold Medal goes to Sallie Keena for amazing hair and makeup!! loved this shoot! #setlife #pinterest #parties #crafts #DIY … Continue reading
con·trol freak noun/informal a person who feels an obsessive need to exercise control over themselves and others and to take command of any situation. Urban Dictionary – control freak Person/persons who, if not in control of many aspects in other’s lives … Continue reading
Here you will find me, or rather my hand, which BTW as a separate entity has booked 3 more commercials than my actual face this year… but regardless, my hand, as shown is showcasing chip dipping skills that would make Nacho Man proud. Ugh, … Continue reading
I’m going to be blunt, I’m super territorial over my first daughter’s name. I love that I’ve never met another Oakley in my life besides the one I birthed. I also relish in the look on other people’s faces when … Continue reading
I’ve had a few recent inquiries on my feelings about spec commercials. Can I just take a moment real quick and say that I really love that other moms are somehow finding my blog in the deep dark cyber abyss. … Continue reading
isn’t this yours? I found it on the newsletter board at the kids preschool!!!!! (it was his, and it was a $25 lightbulb) Lady pooped in the middle of the driveway AGAIN Oh My God! Seriously, WTF happened to Renee … Continue reading
I’m so behind on posting, not that anyone really cares, but I’ve been working, yay! It’s like I’m almost a working actress, but “working” is a term I use loosely, like very loosely. Image a person who has a full … Continue reading