Amber Unraveled

Best Summer Self Tanner

Summer Self Care

Summer is so close I can taste it and while my friends are breaking out their booty shorts (and by friends, I mean my children, cuz let’s be real here…) my legs are pastier than a – – – I can’t think of anything they are pastier than, and for the love of god DO NOT google “white and pasty” because you will legit throw up in your mouth, trust me.

Point is, I’m white and not happy about it. I finally broke down and realized I am not going to be able to fake bake any more since I am 35 and apparently have entered the ‘mature’ skin age. I’ve tried a few high dollar self-tanners and basically looked like a Cheeto. Very depressing.

But alas, the Facebook advertising gods must have heard me thinking about self-tanners because they showed me a sponsored post of a makeup guru using this ah-mazing self-tanner that is totally my new addiction.

I can’t tell you how freaking excited I am to have found this can of tan. It’s an aerosol so it goes on really easily while only mildly choking you to death, no pain, no gain, am I right?

The first time I tried it, I applied, well, let’s just say liberally – and I looked like J-Lo’s love child. I got the jokes. But really – I was D-A-R-K and best of all not a cheeto. Anyway, give it a try ladies; it’s a find, and it’s super cheap on amazon!

5 Tips for Self-Tanning

  1. Moisturize yo skin so the spray tan goes on even and keep it moisturized after you spray so it lasts longer.
My Self Tanning Routine! | Best Self Tanner for Busy Moms
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