2015 people

It’s that time again. Actually it’s seven days past that time – the time where you are supposed to set goals and find your inner hero and reach for the stars, blah blah blah. And since I am notoriously late, like every morning – it’s no surprise I am late to my goal setting.

But better late than never, here is a little inspiration via Dane Cook. He’s so smart.

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go to your safe place


I sometimes feel very “techy”. I am usually good at uploading, downloading and generally figuring things out technically but sometimes I just want to chuck this computer off the deck and watch it smash into an infinite amount of uselessness. Because right now it is so useless. I know it’s probably user error but I am trying to download this video from Gmail and upload it to my fun new Youtube account and it’s taking umpteen million years to download because it’s so large.

Ugh. I will figure this out but it is making me crazy in the interim. I get so frustrated and then one thing leads to another and it makes me remember I hate winter and wish I could be sitting by the pool right now.

and yes those are my feet.