Amber Unraveled

rockin royals


The girls newest obsession is playing rockin royals. One is a princess and one is a pop star. But W keeps calling it a poptart and they both fight over being the poptart. In the photo above W got the shaft and had to play paparazzi. This is totally normal right?

This is becoming a major issue at home though because W is at the I’m scared of the dark, and dogs barking, and loud noises, and shadows, and monsters, and bugs, and the ice maker, ok everything. so turn on the lights, as a matter of fact turn on every light in the house and also walk into the bathroom with me every time I have to pee.

And O is like “turn off all the lights in the house and shine a flashlight on me so I can sing and dance in the sole spot light like a typical amazing popstar should.

and I am all like “both of you STOP FIGHTING and go downstairs I’m trying to watch The Grimm.

Here is the perfect example of what my two children look like terrified in the dark. What is going on here? They had all the lights out with a flashlight shining in their faces and the had their ipad set up on the coffee table. The reflection of the flashlight is on the wall above them – it looks creepy too, like an alien orb or something.

Look at their faces! That does not look like fun. I walked by and was like “are you watching something scary!

The both just said “noooo. dora the explorer.”

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