Amber Unraveled

meant to B

Liiiiiiike, Oh Em Geeee – You just booked another gig?!

Why, Yes. Yes I did.  I can’t believe I just booked another gig. This is 2, in such a short period of time. OH Thank You Acting Gods – shining down you little rays of opportunity, just enough hope to keep me trucking along in a business that makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever.

At any rate, I can’t share the deets of the job but it’s seriously right up my alley. AND it is in NY, how fancy! Best part is it is the exact same day that O just got an appointment with talent agency in NY also! What great luck, stuff like this never works out for me.

This was even a self tape I shot in our brand spanking new home-studio.

It’s a work in progress but now that C is on board it will be so professional and awesome. I’m an artist, I don’t do measurements and critical/strategical thinking mumbo-jumbo. I CREATE. Just kidding. I just get so frustrated so fast when the stupid lights get hot and I have them facing the wrong way and couldn’t get the tripods to stay up right, and I actually blew the breaker a couple times. Ugh. Nightmare city.

This is all my moms gear, we just ordered all our video lighting off Amazon so hopefully it will be here soon. I just did another self-tape and O actually did a self tape too! I will post this up. Well I will post hers up.

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